Sensing in Harmony.
That's Quorum
seed the cycle with QUORUM SOIL AGRICULTURE
QSA is a regenerative transition master planning firm that coaches implementation, too.
We're dedicated to ecological (re)balance through farming - optimizing water cycles, crop balance, native habitat and regenerative management. We design and implement master plans for transition and profitable long-term ecological farming.
Profitable Crops grown in Healthy Soil is our definition of Carbon Drawdown. That’s what makes the Ag sector the most rapid, cost-effective route to a stable climate.
Your crop is the greatest beneficiary in the carbon equation. Growers who center Nature's design can achieve vital crop resilience and efficiency gains, in perpetuity. The results are profit gains, radically reduced input costs and improved equity.
Serving Sonoma, Napa, and surrounding counties, we work with you to coach implementation on existing & developing vineyards, orchards, ranches and farms - building healthy land systems from the soil, up.
Let's grow your longevity together!
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unleash a self-managing workforce, below ground…
at zero long term input cost
Want workforce-ready microbes that feed & protect your crop 24 / 7 without added soil monitors, labor costs or Bluetooth technologies on the land? That's what healthy, living soil - teaming with microbes - can do.
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This resilient system grows in unique balance with your crop's specific needs and its location. The natural cycling of liquid carbon into your land's soil produces healthier crop yields, water holding capacity, and regional hydrology across the board. All of this happens before the soil sequesters carbon. In time, your crop system aids in stabilizing climate - to mitigate local flood- and fire-intensity.
As management practices shift to this framework, you build crop resilience & longevity, input savings, and long-term profits.
Regenerative Agriculture integrates our long-siloed sciences to re-engage Nature’s complex system. Current science now corroborates how traditional peoples’ land management across 10,000+ years are proving accurate and vital pathways to a stable climate in which to farm. The conclusion: successional, low disturbance, ecological farming is the least costly, most healthy and efficient way to farm. QSA can aid your regenerative transition.
Regenerative Agriculture is a farming framework that feeds and manages your crop from below ground. Its process builds your crop's ideal support system into the land by growing a diverse, living ecology. When well-designed, it harnesses a biological process - called Quorum Sensing - to benefit your enterprise crop by reconnecting crop & land in a cycle of continual exchange.
A comprehensive systems-design feeds your crop first while allowing it to cycle carbon, water, and nutrient supports in ideal balance. This is soil ecology that will feed resilience and protect against pest & disease threats, in perpetuity.
What is regenerative agriculture?

What key gains does Ecological Farming deliver?
improved hydrology
& Soil water holding capacity
SWA & WHC with RAM gains - Building your water budget. test language to observe re: display and correct replication of 3-col grid below. Testing, testing 1, 2, 3. ajo;iwenfa; nao ow;ghaeog; ao;nao;v naf; aio ajna;na;eng oiawna;wgv jawnj wanfa aawngj;ganefnjkagvn awngj; nnf fan;guie agji'waeoht th44e a;egw at;awgh;ag awgn tawnjt; tkat;ewi dht enka getjowt[oa9f gaji awto;age agjio;geaijo;aerg nkl.agwagj'
increased profit & equity
SWA & WHC w RAM gains - Building your water budget. test language to observe re: display and correct replication of 3-col grid below. Testing, testing 1, 2, 3. ajo;iwenfa; nao ow;ghaeog; ao;nao;v naf; aio ajna;na;eng oiawna;wgv jawnj wanfa aawngj;ganefnjkagvn awngj; nnf fan;guie agji'waeoht th44e a;egw at;awgh;ag awgn tawnjt; tkat;ewi dht enka getjowt[oa9f gaji awto;age agjio;geaijo;aerg nkl.agwagj'
soil organic carbon boosts
Soil Health always comes first - feeding your crop, livestock and business. Carbon Storage follows, by Nature's design. The Carbon Cycle is the process in which your crop flushes excess liquid carbon into the soil to feed its microbes and those microbes reciprocate by sourcing and feeding all needed nutrients back to your crop. Restoring and expanding this cycle ends the need for pesticide, herbicide & fungicide spray passes as each season builds a more resilient ecology. Post-transition, a Regenerative Ag framework begins to bury longer and longer chains of carbon in stable soil deposits beneath your crop, permanently, creating sequestration.
This is why QSA's definition of Carbon Drawdown is Profitable Crops grown in Healthy Soils.
richer Biodiveresity
…both above and below ground. Why so many species? With too few species surrounding your crop, competition for sparse or fertigated nutrients ensues. Building diverse cover crops and populations of good microbes in your soil is precisely what triggers crop-beneficial quorum sensing. So, when your crop's roots signal the soil for necessary nutrients, a natural cycle of exchange is restored. This triggers one more big benefit: microbes above and below the soil-line literally leap to defend their key food source: your crop. Over time, it's this biodiversity that ends the need (& cost) of pesticides, herbicides & fungicides. As each season builds a more resilient ecology, the soil teams with life rich enough for optimal production. As you add the minerals and rich biology of 2- & 4-legged livestock, these gains expand exponentially!
How does the framework do this?
does it differ from conventional or certified organic Ag?
Quorum cuts Competition
Where there are seven complimentary species or more, plants & soil work as a team to support your enterprise crop. Quorum Sensing is the point of chemical exudate exchange at which genetic signaling turns genes on & off in responses that fortify entire populations - like your crop's supporting microbiome - against pest & disease pathogens. This biological sensing ability in healthy soil - called “coordinated gene expression” in biology & “consensus or collective sensing” in ecology - rapidly & effectively immunizes your crop and your land against bacterial pathogens across many hosts. When well-designed, plant biologies selected for your farm system will feed and protect the entire crop system. This cuts weed competition and builds vital topsoil - along with your investment’s resilience & longevity.
Succession supplants Stasis
Rhythm replaces Reaction
Building cyclical health - the source of our profit or loss - shifts the team's focus to following nutrient flows versus waging war on pests while making casualties of beneficial species. …Farming with the cycles of life keep the teams actions in the flow of time across each season. The words may sound obvious. But the subtle shift is a powerful one in which teams become observant of the timing & lifecycles of beneficial populations to support versus pests to suppress and weeds to kill. Maybe you've heard that adage - What we focus on grows? Well, farming with the seasonal cycles of nutrient blooms, water tables and soil is labor that grows resilience. It delivers a vitality that moves management's focus from resistance to persistence. Replacing reaction with a workflow of cyclical rhythms ends money spent halting pests or disease threats defensively and leaves a durable investment in immunizing the crop proactively.
Collective eclipses Selective
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Where selective applications of organic or sustainable practices fail to deliver savings or resilience, engaging a prioritized regenerative framework succeeds at both - across the whole system. Plus, farming multi-season, permanent cover crops of allied-species triggers the soil's capacity for quorum sensing that feeds & protects your crop by creating a self-managing underground workforce at zero long term input cost.
mgmt not maintenance
Indigenous reweaves Industrial
It's all technology. What's called Regenerative Agriculture is a missing piece in our agricultural fabric. It threads Traditional Ecological Knowledge through a current scientific lens. By recognizing science across human evolution we reincorporate a data-rich tech era full of mechanization in service to the optimal function of land and communities - as life-supporting, crop-supporting ecosystems. This emerging regenerative framework - when engaged with the acknowledgment of native peoples, their ways etched into indigenous science, songs and strategies since the origins of agriculture in our species – it could succeed at shifting mindsets to heal more than the drought, fire intensity and storm duration.

What people say
Key regenerative considerations for Better Results
on your land
Together, we’ll identify what you need most to improve crop longevity & performance - free of Chemical inputs with minimizal tillage
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+1 (646) 334-3646
207 S. McDowell Blvd., Ste. 1062, Petaluma, CA 94954